Check out this small triangular bed built with cinder blocks and protected by a barnboard fence... there were a number of beds build on this old parking lot, but this was the most productive lettuce plot of the lot. Guesses are that the protection from wind can provide a dramatic improvement for delicately leaved plants which are easily stripped by dry and gusty weather.
The first picture shows the triangular bed in March, with a carrot going to flower, lettuce continuing to grow and larkspur adding some color. While not chock full for the transitional season, a little color from 'bolting' plants and cool weather flowers can help!
In reality, a slightly bare bed is a small price to pay. When you see what can happen in fall and winter, the rest of the year just doesn't matter! Look below to see what wonderful things can happen in December: plant plant plant to keep up momentum and grow more easily year 'round too.