
Cinderblock details.

Cinderblocks are generally non-toxic, and a much better material to use for raised beds than something like railroad ties (which are toxic) or wood (which deteriorates quickly in the Southwest). The best which were two bricks high when finished, were not mortared together which means this bed can be moved many times and provides flexibility. The holes were filled with sand to stabilize the bricks which was sufficient to hold the shape when filled with soil.

Consider painting the cinderblocks if you would like a little extra color in the garden. An acrylic house paint is the best way to go for low toxicity and because the blocks will soak up quite a bit of paint.

For those growing edible gardens in the Southwest, adobe bricks are most highly recommended and are priced about the same. They are very attractive and offer more of a sitting surface if used as a border brick. Be sure to contact New Mexico Earth Adobe if building your beds in Albuquerque!